I am so sorry that I am a month behind on this blog. My life has been so insanely busy and I just need to set time aside for this on a daily basis. So my update for the past month will not be in any order just an update of what has happened in the past month for our family.
Here is an update on me and my RSD:
I went to the doctor on August 17th and he put me into O/T for another 8 weeks but he now has my therapist working on both arms. The only improvement that we have seen in my left arm has been that the shooting pains are gone in my arm. Other than that everything else is the same. My right arm has been showing signs of the same symptoms for some time now because of the over use ever since my first surgery and because of having a full arm cast on my left arm. Because of the RSD in my left hand/arm, he cannot do surgery on my right arm right now to fix anything. If he were to do surgery, I would get the RSD in my right hand/arm too and it would really make life difficult for me. So at this time, I have to live with the pain and do some therapy that will hopefully help.
I also had him look at some water blisters that had formed around my left ankle and he was very concerned about them. My left toes have also gone numb and he is concerned that the RSD has moved into my left foot. He thinks that the numbness may be RSD but the blisters may be something else so he is referring me to a neurologist for a full workup to find out what is going on. He does not want to treat me for something unless he is absolutely sure. That is why I like him so much....he is very thorough. Unfortunately....I cannot get into see a neurologist until December 19th. I see my doc again the end of September.
On a good note, with everything that has gone on and the way that I have changed my diet in the last few months...I am happy to say that I have lost 30 pounds!! I had not shared this with anyone except one very close friend (and Butch, Ashlee and Lexi of course) until now! I am very proud of myself and I feel very good! Now if I could get these other medical issues taken care of I would be in good shape!
I know some of you were a bit worried about me a few weeks ago when Ashlee left. I was quite upset. I also had some other issues going on at the same time. I want to let you know that I have been dealing with them and I am doing much better. I am doing much better with Ashlee being gone....I was not worried about where she was or her safety....it was our close relationship that I was sad about. But we talk on the phone 2-3 times each day and everything is fine and she is fine and I am fine. Some of my emotional issues have to do with my medical issues too and I just have to deal with them on a daily basis and just get through each day one day at a time. That is all I can do. I did not ask for this to happen...it happened and I have to live with it. My doctor said this would probably happen and I am dealing with it. Other family issues are always in the back of my mind and I am trying to find a way to deal with them and bury them but it is not that easy so I just have to deal with those one day at a time too. I am doing much better than I was though and I am definitely a much happier person these days. Thank you for your continued support!!