Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Dance Recital "Thriller" was Fabulous!!!

Sunday was Madill's dance recital and it was a fantastic show....the best recital ever! It was kind of bittersweet for us though because it was Ashlee's last dance recital with the studio. My dad, Joy and grandma came to watch the girls dance. The show lasted 3 hours, but it was very entertaining! They gave out the Perfect Attendance awards during intermission and Ashlee and Lexi both received trophies! After the show we went to my dad's for a fabulous dinner and by the time we got home it was 9:15 and I was exhausted. We had sat through the dress rehearsal that morning and then through the show and it was a long day. The Thriller routine at the end was like nothing I have seen before. All I could say was "WOW"!!!!!

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